Hello, everyone. Week 4 has gone pretty well, Sophie is doing well with the treatments this week. Monday was our only bad day, every other day she has done really good. Her ears are doing much better, her left ear has healed completely and her right ear is only a little pink, which is much improved over what it had been. So all of that was good to hear.
As of today (Thursday June 26), we have completed 35 treatments, only 5 left! We will be officially done Wednesday of next week.
Please say a special prayer for us on Monday. We will be seeing Sophie Kate’s neurologist that morning before we head back to Atlanta to finish her treatments. It is just a check up, we are not going for any specific reason. It was set up long before our oxygen treatments began. As always, please pray that he will see Sophie with God’s eyes and that nothing that needs attention will be overlooked. These are always very stressful appointments, as many of you know. However, we know that God has led us to him for a reason, pray that God will give him wisdom.
We cannot thank ya’ll enough for the prayers that are sent up for our family every day. We are so blessed by all of you.