We had our Atlanta trip yesterday to check out the Hyperbaric Oxygen place over there that we are going to use for Sophie. It went really well and was very encouraging for us. The doctor and staff were very knowledgeable, gave us a lot of information, spent about a hour with Sophie asking us all kinds of questions about her. They were very caring, it was definitely a good experience. Chad and I both feel good about it. We are tentatively set up to start her treatments on June 2, so that is very exciting. Please be in prayer for this.
Now for a little comic relief. This actually happened a little while back but I couldn’t let it go without sharing it with ya’ll so that you all could feel my pain. A friend called one morning, which is actually a pretty funny story in and of itself. She told me that she was being moved by the Holy Spirit to come over and keep Sophie Kate so that I could go out and get a pedicure and that if I said no then I would be going against the will of God for me that morning. Well, I certainly don’t want to be seen as one who is living outside the will of God so I reluctantly agreed (hee hee). So off I went in a rare moment with no children, with spirits lifted for an hour or so of me time, by the way pedicures need to last way more that 30-45 minutes, don’t ya’ll agree? Anyway, I get to the place, pick out my color and settle in to my comfy chair, thinking to myself that I am going to relish every bit of this. After exchanging pleasantries with the girl that was doing my pedicure, which I need to go ahead and add included how many children I had and their ages (let me spell it out for you I just had a baby 5 months ago), I then dove into my magazine. Well, it wasn’t too much longer when she was working on my feet, and I will give her credit she was “working,” that she made the comment. Now some of you have to admit if you are being honest with yourself that you too have gotten this comment before. I have heard others say they have received such treatment themselves before, but this was the first time it happened to me. She said, “Hmm, it’s been a while since your last pedicure hasn’t it?” Oh yes, she did. Of course, I wanted to shout, “Hey, I have had little bit going on here, did I mention I have a 5 month old regardless of anything else, cut me some slack, would you?” Now I was no more proud of the condition that my feet were in any more than my feet themselves were, but at least I was there and I was taking positive steps toward a growing area of concern. After all it is getting time for the feet to come out again after a long winter in hibernation and the reason I was there was b/c I was not willing to take on that job myself. I knew you all would feel my pain, it really wasn’t that bad, I had let it go just as soon as I had walked out the door with my toes painted, my spirits lifted and oh, by the way, did I mention that I had no children with me. A little comment about my sad pitiful feet wasn’t going to get me down, not that day.
Hope ya’ll have a fun weekend!