Hey everyone, just wanted to let ya’ll know that Sophie’s weight and feedings continue to increase. She is now up to 7 pounds 8 ounces and is taking almost 3 ounces of formula per feeding. She also had an increase in her head circumference from 33.5cm to 34cm. These blessings are all answers to very specific prayers that so many of you have offered up to our Lord for Sophie. I can’t even express what all of this means to me it is such an encouragement and so uplifting to my soul. God is so good and so faithful. All the praise and glory goes to Him for this great great news. It is only because of Him that any of this is possible.
We enjoyed a great Christmas together, spending it with family. Sophie was introduced to the chaos and craziness that is a McManic Christmas morning when you have 3 brothers and she survived it. One of the best gifts this year for me was that we were all together. I am so thankful that Sophie is home with us now and that we were able to celebrate her first Christmas together as a family and show her all the love we have to give her.
Please continue to pray for her feedings that they will continue to increase as she grows and also that her brain will grow and increase in size. Pray also for a peace, comfort and relaxation as she develops and begins to take in, absorb and experience her surroundings. Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for our little girl. What a comfort it is knowing that she is constantly and consistently covered in prayer. We pray for a joyful and blessed new year for all of you!